HERE is a pamphlet from the National Psoriasis Foundation. It contains information on what psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are, and how conventional medicine treats it. They have no cure.
Here’s my story…
Psoriasis is no laughing matter and is right up there along with bullying. Trust me, I’ve been in both places since I was a fat little kid that went on to be a teenager with “the heartbreak of psoriasis.”
My mom was one of my worst offenders with these two issues I had in my youth. I don’t blame her. Mom did the best she could with the resources she had. Unfortunately for her, Mom’s coping skills were severely lacking and more about survival than being happy, joyous and free. You can’t give away what you don’t have.
I believe one of the most important aspects of healing from many chronic illnesses begins with reducing stress. Feeling betrayed, arguing, lack of acceptance both by yourself and by others all contribute to chronic illness. We all know how stress can raise your blood pressure. This is called “white coat syndrome” (being nervous at the Dr’s office) and proves how many illnesses are in fact, psychosomatic, or have at least this component within them.
Psychosomatic does not mean that the illness is imaginary. It simply means the mind is affecting the body in some real way. We all have heard of stress related illnesses, chronic stress and many other phrases that don’t make us lack acceptance of psychosomatic illnesses.
The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders, by Dr. John Sarno, explains how our mind affects us and can cause chronic pain. In fact, reading his books appears to have cured many people of their chronic pain without medication or surgery!
I’m including what I’ve done with resource links for all of the different therapies I’ve used to treat this condition. I do believe you can HEAL psoriasis, but you have to treat it from the inside out. It’s simple but not easy, and sure beats standard medical treatments and their many toxic side effects.
One of the best resources I’ve used was the book by Dr. John Pagano called, Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. I believe it caused me the most trouble too, causing a detox reaction which is discussed on only one page in the book and suggests the possibility of needing hospitalization. That was when I broke out with pustular psoriasis; something I had never experienced before in over 40 years of dealing with this malady!