Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days

Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days  (click here) is a documentary movie (about 90 minutes) that proves that diabetes CAN be reversed. Yes it can, although there are many theories as to why your doctor doesn’t share this information with you. Here are the most common reasons, or maybe they’re more like excuses!

1. Your doctor doesn’t know – Most doctors know little (or next to nothing) about nutrition. This is not something he or she learns much about in medical school.

2. Pharmaceutical companies have much to lose if you learn how to get well and stay well – We have almost no medications that actually HEAL you. I know we THINK we are getting healed but think about it for a minute. When your doctor gives you a prescription for a pill or injection, (insulin) how often does he or she say, “Take this for x days / months and then we will wean you off of it”? Almost NEVER! Unless of course you are on a round of antibiotics or trying to treat some acute condition that might kill you or harm you if left untreated, such as an infection.

3. Americans have a SAD diet (aka, Standard American Diet) which is full of dead food items, chemicals, preservatives, GMOs, (Genetically Modified Organisms) sodium chloride, (not the good for you sea salt) sugars, artificial ingredients, and antibiotics!  You get fed this junk even if you’re in the hospital.

As for number 3, most people aren’t well educated on what these substances we Americans are calling food, actually do to our bodies. We need proper nutrition for health, just like proper fuel for our vehicles.

We might make jokes about it, but we truly are what we eat.